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Performance, Learning & Heritage

Site 1 : Understanding the Performance

All of the above can be observed, recorded to video and photographed (as and when appropriate). This will enable accurate recording of and detailed recollection of all elements of the performance. Many of these elements however cannot be assumed (eg audience engagement). Thus, interpreter interviews, audience focus groups and even questionnaires can be used in order to triangulate all conclusions.

Publicity materials again will allow for an exploration of the priorities of the site in relation to their performance pieces - are some pieces more widely publicised than others? How much is 'given away' in these resources about the nature/content of the performance and what will be expected of the audience throughout? Are some events not publicised at all?

Locating the style of the performance and the work of the interpreters, and coupling that with findings about the response of the audience, enables conclusions to be reached about the effectiveness of (a select example of) different performance techniques, and the various sites as backdrops for them.

All images © National Maritime Museum London