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Performance, Learning & Heritage


Applied Theatre


Boal, Augusto, 1979, Theater of the oppressed translated from the Spanish by Charles A. & Maria-Odilia Leal McBride. London : Pluto Press.


Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York : Continuum


McKensie, John, 2002, Perform or Else: from discipline to performance . London : Routledge.


Nicholson, Helen, 2005, Applied Drama: The gift of theatre Hampshire: Palgrave.


Thompson, James and Schechner, Richard, 2004, 'Why "Social Theatre"?' in The Drama Review 48, 3 Fall 2004 11-16


Culture and Memory


Bal, Mieke. 1996. Double exposures: the subject of cultural analysis . New York : Routledge


Bendix, Regina . 1997. In search of authenticity . Madison : University of Wisconsin Press.


Benjamin, Walter, 1970, Illuminations. Edited with an introduction by Hannah Arendt: translated bu Harry Zohn. London : Cape .


Fyfe, Gordon, March 2004, 'reproductions, cultural capital and museums: aspects of the culture of copies' in Museum and Society 2 (1) 47-67.


Fyfe uses the work of Bourdieu to begin to look at the relationship between cultural capital and museum visitation, before going on to perform an in depth analysis of reproductions, and the social, not merely technical, history that surrounds our relationship to them.


Leichte, Kurt E, 1989, 'Bits and Pieces: Interpreting Culture' in Journal of American Culture . 12.2. pp.13-17


Mackey, Sally, 2002, 'Drama, Landscape and Memory: to be is to be in place' in Research in Drama Education Vol.7, No.1. pp 10-25.


Margalit, Avishai, 2002, The Ethics of Memory . London , England . Cambridge , Massachusetts : Harvard University Press


McCracken, Grant David. 1990. Culture and consumption: new approaches to the symbolic character of consumer goods and activities . Bloomington : Indiana University Press


Rubridge, Sarah, 'Does Authenticity matter? The case for and against authenticity in the performing arts' in Campbell, Patrick, 1995, Analysing Performance: interpretations, issues, ideologies . Manchester : Manchester University Press


Yates , Frances Amelia. 1999. The art of memory . New York : Routledge



Journals and Trade Magazines


International Journal of Arts management


International Journal of Leisure Studies


International Journal of Science Education


Journal of American Culture


Journal of Education in Museums (see http://www.gem.org.uk/ )


Journal of Visitor Behaviour


Leisure Studies


Museological Review


Museum and Society


Museum Practice


Museum Theatre Journal


Research in Drama Education


The Drama Review


Learning and Heritage


Bartels, D. & Hein, G. (2003). Learning in settings other than schools. Educational Researcher 32 (6): 38-42.


Caban, Geoffrey and Wilson, Jenny, 2002. 'Understanding learning styles: implications for design education in external settings' at http://www.arts.ac.uk/docs/cltad_2002caban.pdf [accessed 14 Sept 2005 ]


Catling, Jo, 2004, 'Not Afraid to Break Things' in British Archaeology 77, July 2004


Chadwick, Alan and Stannett, Annette (editors), 1995, Museums and the Education of Adults . Leicester : NIACE.


Falk, John H., Moussouri, THeano, and Coulson, Douglas, 1998, 'The Effect of Visitors' Agendas on Museum Learning' in Curator 41/2. June 1998: 107-120


Falk, John H, and Dierking, Lynn D. 2000, Learning from Museums: Visitor experiences and the making of meaning . London , California ; AltaMira Press.


Hein, George, 1995, 'Evaluating teaching and learning in museums', in Hooper-Greenhill, E. (ed), 1995, Museum, Media, Message . London : Routledge.


Hein George, 1998, Learning in the Museum . London : Routledge.


Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean, 1994, The Educational Role of the Museum . London : Routledge. (+1999 edition).


Hooper-Greenhill introduces and contributes to a collection of papers covering a variety of subject areas including; evaluation, interactive displays, 'museum education'; running focus groups in museums and visitor studies. The 1999 edition includes additional papers.


Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean, 'A Museum Educator's Perspective' in Chadwick, Alan and Stannett, Annette (editors), 1995, Museums and the Education of Adults . Leicester : NIACE.


This chapter begins with a justification for museums as 'appropriate places for lifelong learning' and then goes on to put forward a number of examples of ways in which this marriage can be achieved; including courses and outreach work. Hooper-Greenhill concludes that education departments still suffer from budgetary and resource restrictions, and that (especially adult) education needs to undergo a 'radical change in philosophy'.


Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean and Moussouri, Theano 'Researching Learning in Museums and Galleries 1990 - 1000: A Bibliographic Review' Research Centre for Museums and Galleries: Univeristy of Leicester


McNichol, Sarah and Spry, Joanna, 2003, 'Learning in museums and libraries' at http://www.ebase.uce.ac.uk/docs/Learning_in_museums.doc [Accessed 23/08/05 ]


Moffat, Hazel and Woollard, Vicky, 1999, Museum and Gallery Education: A Manual of Good Practice . London : The Stationary Office.


Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (2004), Inspiring Learning for All . At www.inspiringlearningforall.gov.uk [Accessed 10/10/05 ]


Nichols, Susan K. 1984 (editor), Museum Education Anthology . Washington : Museum Education Roundtable.


Roberts, Lisa C. 1997, From Knowledge to Narrative: Educators and the Changing Museum . Washington and London : Smithsonian Institution Press.


Stevenson, J, 1991, 'The long-term Impact of interactive exhibits' International Journal of Science Education , vol 13, no 5 pp.521-531


Uzzell, David L., 'the Hot Interpretation of War and Conflict' in Uzzell, David, 1989, (editor) Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Weinland, Thomas P. and Bennett, Richard L., 'Museum education: monologue or dialogue?' in Nichols, Susan K. 1984 (editor), Museum Education Anthology . Washington : Museum Education Roundtable.


Museum and Heritage Studies


American Association of Museums (1969). America 's Museums: The Belmont Report. Washington , DC : American Association of Museums. -- (1984). Museums for a New Century . Washington , DC : American Association of Museums. -- (1992). Excellence and Equity: Education and the Public Dimension of Museums. Washington , DC : American Association of Museums.


Bennett, Tony, 'Speaking to the eyes; Museums, legibility and the social order' in MacDonald, S (Editor), 1998, The Politics of Disply . London : Routledge.


Burton , Christine and Scott, Carol, 2003, 'Museums: Challenges for the 21 st Century' in International Journal of Arts Management. Vol. 5, Iss.2. pg. 56.


Carter, James (editor), 1997, A Sense of Place. Scottish National Heritage.


Coalter, Fred, 2000, 'Public and Commercial leisure provision: active citizens and passive consumers?' in Leisure Studies 19 pp.163-181.


Cognitive Applications Limited, 1992, 'The Micro Gallery A Survey of Visitors: Report and Findings' at http://www.cogapp.com/homeimg/Micro Gallery Survey Report.pdf (Accessed 18/08/05)


This report introduces findings of survey inquiry into the use of an interactive 'micro-gallery' at the National Gallery.






Collins, Zipporah W (editor), 1981, Museums, Adults and the Humanities . Washington : American Association of Museums


Crane, S. (ed.) (2000). Museums and Memory. Palo Alto , CA : Stanford University Press .


Davis , Tracy C. 1995, 'Performing and the Real Thing in the Postmodern Museum' in The Drama Review , Vol.39 No.3 (Autumn, 1995). Pp.15-40.


Delingpole, James, 2006, 'What are museums for?' winning paper for the Charles Douglas-Home memorial Trust Award. www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,6-2090955_1,00.html [accessed 27/03/2006]


Falk, John H., Moussouri, THeano, and Coulson, Douglas, 1998, 'The Effect of Visitors' Agendas on Museum Learning' in Curator 41/2. June 1998: 107-120


Hallam, E and Street, B (editors), 2000, Cultural Encounters . London : Routledge.


Harrison, Paul and Shaw, Robin, 2004, 'Consumer Satisfaction and Post-purchase Intentions: An Exploratory Study of Museum Visitors' in International Journal of Arts management . Vol.6, Iss.2. pp.23-32.


Hewison, Robert, in 'Heritage: An Interpretation'' in Uzzell, David (editor), 1989, Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Hoskins, Janet. 1998. Biographical objects.: how things tell the stories of people's lives . New York : Routledge.


Ingle, Marilyn, Pupils' perceptions of museum education sessions in Journal for Education in Museums 11 (1990), P 5-8.


Jordanova, Ludmilla, 'Objects of Knowledge: A Historical Perspective on Museums' in


Vergo, Peter (editor), 1989 (1993 edition), The New Museology. London : Reaktion Books


Kavanagh, Gaynor (editor), 1994, Museum Provision and Professionalism . London : Routledge.


Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 1998, Destination Culture: tourism, museums & heritage. ( Berkeley : University of California Press).


Kolb, Bonita M., 2000, Marketing for Cultural Organisations . Dublin : Oak Tree Press.


Kopytoff, Igor, 'The cultural biography of things: commoditization as process' in Appadurai, Arjun, 1986, The Social Life of things; Commodities in cultural perspective , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press


Laenen, Marc, 1989, 'Looking for the Future Through the Past' in Uzzell, David (editor), 1989, Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Lidchi, Henrietta. 1997. The poetics and politics of exhibiting other cultures. Representation: cultural representations and signifying practices. ed. Stuart Hall, 151-208. London : Sage


Loomis, Ross J. 1987, Museum Visitor Evaluation: New tool for management . Nashville , Tenn : American Association for State and Local History.


Lowenthal, David (1985), The Past is a Foreign Country . Cambridge : CUP.


Lumley, Robert (editor), 1988, The M useum Time-Machine : putting cultures on display . London : Routledge.


MacDonald, S (Editor), 1998, The Politics of Display . London : Routledge.


Macdonald, Sharon, and Gordon Fyfe, eds. 1996. Theorizing Museums: Representing Identity and Diversity in a Changing World. Cambridge , Massachusetts : Blackwell


Merriman, Nick, 'Museum Visiting as Cultural Phenomenon' in Vergo, Peter (editor), 1989 (1993 edition), The New Museology. London : Reaktion Books.


O'Doherty, Brian. 1986. Inside the white cube: the ideology of the gallery space . Santa Monica : Lapis Press.


Pearce, Susan, 1992, Museums, Objects and Collections: A Cultural Study . Leicester: Leicester University Press.


Pearce, Susan, 1994, Museums and the appropriation of culture London : Athlone Press


Powerhouse Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, 1996, Evaluation and visitor research in museums: towards 2000 . Conference papers, Powerhouse Museum , Sydney , Australia , 16-19 March 1995.


Ross, Max, 2004, 'Interpreting the new museology' in Museum and Society , Jul 2004. 2 (2) 84-103


Samuel, Raphael (1994), Theatres of Memory: 1: Past & Present in Contemporary Culture ( London : Verso)


Schlereth, Thomas J. 1984. 'Object Knowledge: Every Museum Visitor and Interpreter' in Nichols, Susan K. 1984 (editor), Museum Education Anthology . Washington : Museum Education Roundtable.


Serota, N. 1997. Experience or interpretation: the dilemma of museums of modern art . London : Thames and Hudson .


Shelton , Anthony Alan, 'Museum Ethnography': an imperial science' in Hallam, E and Street, B (editors), 2000, Cultural Encounters . London : Routledge.


Silverstone, Roger, 1989, 'Heritage as Media: Some Implications for Social Research' in Uzzell, David (editor), 1989, Heritage Interpretation Volume 2 . London : Belhaven


Simpson, Moira. 1996. Making representations: museums in the post-colonial era . London :


Uzzell, David (editor), 1989, Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Uzzell, David (editor), 1989, Heritage Interpretation Volume 2 . London : Belhaven.


Uzzell, David L., 'the Hot Interpretation of War and Conflict' in Uzzell, David, 1989, (editor) Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Vanderstel, David G, 1989 'Humanizing the Past: the revitalisation of the history museum in Journal of American Culture . 12.2. pp.13-17


Vergo, Peter (editor), 1989 (1993 edition), The New Museology. London : Reaktion Books.


Vom Lehn, Dirk, and Heath, Christian, 2005, 'Accounting for New Technology in Museum Exhibitions' in International Journal of Arts management . Vol.7, Iss.3. pp. 11-21


Performance and Heritage


Anderson, Jay, 1982, 'Simulating Life in Living Museums' in American Quarterly , VOl. 34, 3. 290-306.


Anderson, Jay, 1984, Time Machines: The World of Living History , Nashville , TN : The American Association for State and Local History .


Bagnall, Gaynor, 2003, 'Performance and performativity at heritage Sites' in Museum and Society , 1(2) 87-103


An interesting look at performance at Wigan Pier and the Museum and Science and Industry Manchester. Bagnall enlightens discussion around audiences and visitors (and the point within heritage site performance where the two overlap), and places that overlap within a world saturated by images and narratives of history. The discussion also looks at the difference cognitive and affective learning outcomes of performance at heritage sites, and asks questions about the appropriateness or otherwise of emotional and imaginative engagement, and the awakening of personal memory through performance.


Baum, L. & Hughes, C. (2001). Ten Years of Evaluating Science Theater at the Museum of Science , Boston . Curator 44 (4): 355-369. 


Bicknell, S. & Mazda, X. (1993). Enlightening or Embarrassing: An evaluation of drama in the Science Museum . London : National Museum of Science and Industry.


Bigley, JD, 'Living history and battle re-enactment: The dilemma of selective interpretation', History News , v. 46 (6), 1991, pp. 12-18.


Black, D. & Goldowsky, A. (1999, March). Science Theater as an interpretive technique in a science museum. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Boston , MA


Blais, Jean-Marc, ed. 1997. The language of live interpretation: animation in museums . Hull , Quebec : Canadian Museum of Civilization.


Bridal, Tessa, 1989, 'Center stage in the museum: Using theatre to present the issues', Roundtable Reports, Journal of Museum Education , v. 14 (1), Winter 1989, pp. 19-21.


Bridal, Tessa (2004), Exploring Museum Theatre . Walnut Creek , Calif : AltaMira Press.


Exploring Museum Theatre gives readers an introduction to the background of 'museum theatre' alongside a comprehensive list of different forms that it can take. Bridal uses interview research at a number of sites to enlighten her discussion of the practicalities of initiating a project including; finding funding, developing a programme, promotion, and whether to use professional actors or volunteers.



Butler , Toby, 2001, 'Re-enaction Man' in Museums Journal. April 2001. pp.20-23.


Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1992, Evaluation of the Live Interpretation Program , Audit and Evaluation Division: Canada .


Clive, Sue and Lucy Wilson, 'Communicating the message: Drama and role play in art galleries', Journal of Education in Museums , v. 9, Summer 1988, pp. 14-17.


Davis, Tracy . 1995. Performing and the real thing in the postmodern museum. The Drama Review 39, no. 3 (T147): 15-40.


Erickson, Jon. 1995. The fate of the object from modern object to postmodern sign in performance, art, and poetry . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press


Ford, Chris, 2000, 'Interpretation special: Museum theatre', Museum Practice , issue 13, v. 5 (1), 2000, pp. 62-64.


Glassberg, David, 1986, 'Living in the Past' in American Quarterly . Vol. 38, No. 2 (Summer 1986), 305-310.


Glassberg's review of Jay Anderson's book Time Machines: The World of Living History introduces us to the text, its location of the 'groups' of people who are involved in living history, and its documentation of the history and uses of the medium. Glassberg gives his verdict on Anderson 's ability to ask 'tough questions' about living history.


Goodacre, Beth & Baldwin, Gavin, 2002, (editors), Living the Past. London : Middlesex University Press.


Grinell, Sheila, 1979, (editor) A Stage for Science: Dramatic Techniques at Science-Technology Centers . Washington : Association of Science-Technology Centers.


Handler, Richard, and Eric Gable. 1997. The new history in an old museum: creating the past at Colonial Williamsburg . Durham : Duke University Press.


Hewison, Robert, 1987, The Heritage Industry . London : Methuen


Hewison, Robert, 'Heritage: An Interpretation' in Uzzell, David, 1989, (editor) Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Hicks, D, 1994, 'The Uses of Living History Events at Historic Sites and Buildings' (MA Dissertation, Nottingham Trent University )


Hughes, Catherine, 1998, Museum Theatre: communicating with visitors through drama. Heinemann.


Hunt, Stephen J. 2004 'Acting the Part: 'living history' as a serious leisure pursuit' in Leisure Studies Vol. 23, No. 4, 387-403.


Looks in depth at 'living history', specifically re-enactments, as a serious form of leisure pursuit, and, through empirical research, tries to locate the 'types' of people who get involved with such pursuits.




Jackson, Shannon. 2000. Lines of activity performance, historiography, Hull-House domesticity . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.


Judd, 'Interactive Interpretation: Puppetry in Museums' in Museum Theatre Journal (April 1993)


Laenen, Marc, 1989, 'Looking for the Future Through the Past' in Uzzell, David, 1989, (editor) Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Maloney, Laura and Hughes, Catherine, 1999 (editors), Case Studies in Museum, Zoo, and Aquarian Theatre . Washington : American Association of Museums.


Matthews, Christy S., 'The Future of Museum Theater The Play's the Thing!' in Maloney, Laura and Hughes, Catherine, 1999 (editors), Case Studies in Museum, Zoo, and Aquarian Theatre . Washington : American Association of Museums.


Miller, Stuart, 1999, 'Visitor Magnets: Exhibition/Interpretive Theatre Partnerships' in Museum Theatre Journal . Winter 1999. pp.9-10.


Needham , H. (1999). Evaluation of Theatre. In L. Maloney & C. Hughes (Eds.). Case Studies in Museum, Zoo and Aquarium Theater (pp. 87-99). Washington , DC : American Association of Museums.


Oestreicher 'Museum Theatre: The beginnings of a natural alliance' Museum Theatre Journal (Sept 1993)


Pearson, Mike and Thomas, Julian, 1994, 'Theatre/Archaeology' in The Drama Review . Winter 1994 v.38 n4 p133(29)


Pollock, Della, ed. 1998. Exceptional spaces: essays in performance and history . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.


Price, Jon, 1997, 'Performing People's History: the background to the work of Time Travellers in historical character interpretive performance' at www.timetrav.force9.co.uk/theory/pph.htm [Accessed 13/12/2005]


Quinn, Sondra, 1981, 'Theater Techniques as a method of Interpretation for Adults' in Collins, Zipporah, (editor) Museums, Adults and the Humanities. Washington : American Association of Museums.


Roth, Stacy, 1998, Past Into Present: Effective techniques for first-person historical interpretation . London ; Chapel Hill, N.C: University if Carolina Press.


Past Into Present gives the reader an introduction to various types of interpretation, before concentrating specifically on first-person interpretation, it's history and implementation. The book gives advice on the set up and delivery of an interpretative project, and then goes on to discuss the various criticisms of the form, notions of authenticity, and interpretation as 'performance'.


Sauter, Willmar . 1997. Museum-stage: the frames move into the exhibition hall. Interact poetics: essays on the interrelations of the arts and media. eds. Ulla-Britta Lagerroth, Hans Lund, and Erik Hedling, 85-91. Internationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen Und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, 24. Amsterdam : Rodopi


Schechner, Richard (1985), Between Theatre and Anthropology . Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press.


Smith, Adam I.P, 2001, 'It's magnificent but is it history?' in History Today . Vol. 51. no.5 pp.36-37


Snow, Stephen Eddy, 1993, Performing the Pilgrims: A study of ethnohistorical role-playing at Plimoth Plantation . Mississippi : Jackson, University Press of Mississippi .


Stover, Kate F, 1989 'Is it real history yet?: An update on living history museums' in Journal of American Culture . 12.2. pp.13-17


Tilden, Freeman, 1967, Interpreting Our Heritage . North Carolina : Chapel Hill .


Tivers, Jacqueline, 2002, 'Performing heritage: the use of live 'actors' in heritage presentations' in Leisure Studies 21 187-200


Tivers' article introduces and differentiates between definitions of 'history' and 'heritage' before giving an overview of 'living history' at four different case study sites, including Llancaiach Fawr Manor.


Uzzell, David L., 'the Hot Interpretation of War and Conflict' in Uzzell, David, 1989, (editor) Heritage Interpretation Volume 1 . London : Belhaven.


Van West, Carrol, 1989, 'History and Interpretation at the Western History Museum ' in Journal of American Culture . 12.2. pp.13-17


Walker , Verity, 2005, the challenge of evaluating live interpretation and on-site theatre in Museums and Heritage for Museums and Heritage


Walker's evaluation work at the National Maritime Museum is discussed, giving a very honest account of the difficulties inherent in carrying our focus group work as an evaluative tool, and the problems associated with 'evaluating an audience which objects to evaluation' are looked at in relation to working with youths at the Royal Armouries in Leeds.


Woods, Thomas A, 1989, 'Living History Farming: A critical method for historical research and teaching about rural life' in Journal of American Culture . 12.2. pp.13-17


Zucker, 'Anna Curtis Chandler: The Metropolitan's Costumed Storyteller' in Museum Theatre Journal (Spring 1998)


Performance and Education


Earle, Wendy, 2005, 'Literacy or Literacies?' Institute of Ideas Education Forum, 4 April 2005. www.instituteofideas.com/events/educationforum.html [Accessed October 2005]


Gardner, Howard, 1983, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York : Basic Books.


Jackson, Anthony, 1993 (editor), Learning through Theatre: new perspectives on theatre in education. London : Routledge.


Jackson, Anthony, 2005, 'The Dialogic and the Aesthetic: Some Reflections on Theatre as a Learning Medium' in Journal of Aesthetic Education Vol. 39, No.4, Winter 2005. Pp. 105-118.


O'Toole, J, (1976), Theatre in Education . London : Hodder & Stoughton.


Robinson, K, 1980 (editor), Exploring Theatre and Education . London


Roper, Bill and Davis, David, 2000, 'Howard Gardner: Knowledge, learning and development in drama and arts education' in Research in Drama Education , Vol.5 No.2 Pp.217-233.


Smith, Mark K. 2002, 'Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education' www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm [Adccessed October 2005 ]


Somers, J, 1996, (editor) Drama and Theatre in Education: contemporary research . North York , Ont.: Captus Press.


Performance, Learning and Heritage


Baum, Lynn and Hughes, Catherine, 'Ten Years of Evaluating Science Theater at the Museum of Science Boston ' in Curator 44/4 October 2001 Pp 355 - 369.


Boyd, Nicky and Walker , Verity, October 2004, Project EOLI: A Pilot Evaluation of Live Inerpretation/theatre at the National Maritime Museum , the Queen's House and Royal Observatory, Greenwich , London using a focus group approach. Interpretaction.


Boyd and Walker provide an insight into the practicalities of using focus group research in order to look at performance at one site, the National Maritime Museum . As well as giving a detailed discussion of their methodology and the barriers they faced, we are given an example of the use of Gardener's Learning Styles in order to identify participants and elucidate responses.


Brown, Pete, 2004, 'Show Business' in Museum Practice , Autumn 2004.48-50


Pete Brown introduces his own experience of performance at the National Railway Museum , and discusses how the medium as a whole can be effective in terms of educational outcomes. From his position as Inspiring Learning coordinator for Manchester Museum , Brown is able to compile a list of simple 'rules' for producing engaging performances.


Cannizo, Jeanne and Parry, David, 'Museum theatre in the 1990s: Trail-blazer or Camp-follower?' in Pearce, Susan, 1994, Museums and the appropriation of culture London : Athlone Press


Daley, Susannah, 'The Languages of Science: Live Interpretation in Science Msueums, Technology Centres and Discovery Places' in Blais, Jean-Marc, ed. 1997. The language of live interpretation: animation in museums . Hull , Quebec : Canadian Museum of Civilization.


Ford, Christopher, 'Theatre as a learning medium in museums' in Blais, Jean-Marc, ed. 1997. The language of live interpretation: animation in museums . Hull , Quebec : Canadian Museum of Civilization.


Ford, in a presentation to the 1994 international symposium on 'The languages of Live Interpretation' highlights a number of research projects looking at the use of theatre in museums including one at the National Railway Museum locating children's resultant 'body of knowledge'. Ford discusses the relationship or 'contract' between the visitor and museum, before talking the reader through the five principal theatrical activity modes currently in use at British museums.


Hayes, J (1994), Pioneer Journeys: drama in museum education . Charlottesville .


Jackson, Anthony, 2000, 'Inter-acting with the past - the use of participatory theatre at museums and heritage sites' in Research in Drama Education , Vol. 5, No.2


An investigation into the ways in which theatre can be used at museum and heritage sites in order to enhance the education of visitors. Two case studies are examined; Plimoth Plantation and the Young National Trust Theatre.


Jackson, Anthony, 2002, 'Between Evaluation and Research: the case for theatre in museums'. Stage of the Art (AATE), Fall 2002.


Jackson , Anthony, Johnson, Paul, Rees Leahy, Helen, Walker , Verity, September 2002, Seeing it for Real: An Investigation into the effectiveness of theatre and theatre techniques in museums . University of Manchester . CATR.


The 'Seeing it for Real' report gives an in-depth summary of the findings of CATR's prior investigation into the use of performance at museums. Two case studies are looked at, and the responses of four school groups are discussed. The report gives a detailed assessment of the research as a whole that is enlightening the current research project.


Jackson, Anthony, and Rees Leahy, Helen, 'Seeing it for Real.'? - Authenticity, theatre and learning in Museums.


Article introducing the work of the above investigation, describing the research process and highlighting some of the findings that were its outcome. The article also seeks to produce a definition of museum theatre and to address the barriers that are faced by those wishing to carry out work in what is often seen as an 'inherently fictionalising medium'.


Keatch, Sandra, 1987, ''Cloots, Creels and Claikin' - Drama on Display' in Education in Museums, Museums in Education Edinburgh : Scottish Museums Council.


Klein, H. (1988). Heinrich Hertz, restored to life or: Exhibit theater as an interpretive tool.


Paper presented at the meeting of the German International Council of Museums, Lindau , Germany .




LaVoie, R. (2003). To Engage and Enlighten: Theatre as an interpretive tool in history museums. Unpublished master's thesis, Arizona State University , Tempe , Arizona .


Leinhardt, G. & Crowley, K. (2002). Objects of learning, objects of talk: Changing minds museums. In S. Paris (Ed.) Multiple Perspectives on Children's Object-Centered Learning. Mahwah , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates .


Sorensen, Colin, 'Theme Parks and Time Machines' in Vergo, Peter (editor), 1989 (1993 edition), The New Museology. London : Reaktion Books


Veverka, John A. 'The Language of Live Interpretation: Making Contact' in Blais, Jean-Marc, ed. 1997. The language of live interpretation: animation in museums . Hull , Quebec : Canadian Museum of Civilization.


Borrowed Robes: Educational Value of Costumed Interpretation' International Journal of Heritage Studies


DVD resource:


PARIP, Mnemosyne Dreams: An Interactive document and investigative research resource.


Mnemosyne Dreams provides a rare and invaluable example of performance within a museum or heritage site that has been filmed from a variety of viewpoints. The DVD enables viewers to watch the performance from these various angles, and listen to different responses to the performance by presenting the document on three 'layers' to be navigated by the viewer.




Allard, Michel, ,The evaluation of museum-school programmes: the case of historic sites' in Hooper-Greenhill, E. (ed), 1995, Museum, Media, Message . London : Routledge.


Baum, L. & Hughes, C. (2001). Ten Years of Evaluating Science Theater at the Museum of Science , Boston . Curator 44 (4): 355-369.


Bicknell, S. & Mazda, X. (1993). Enlightening or Embarrassing: An evaluation of drama in the Science Museum . London : National Museum of Science and Industry.


Borun, Minda, 'Do you read me?' in Nichols, Susan K. 1984 (editor), Museum Education Anthology . Washington : Museum Education Roundtable.


Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1992, Evaluation of the Live Interpretation Program , Audit and Evaluation Division: Canada .


Demant, David, 1995, 'Lessons from an evaluation project' in Evaluation and visitor research in museums: Towards 2000: Conference Papers . Powerhouse Museum , Sydney , Australia , 16-19 March 1995. Haymarket, NSW: Powerhouse Publishing.


Evaluation and visitor research in museums: Towards 2000: Conference Papers . Powerhouse Museum , Sydney , Australia , 16-19 March 1995. Haymarket, NSW: Powerhouse Publishing.


Hein, George, 1995, 'Evaluating teaching and learning in museums', in Hooper-Greenhill, E. (ed), 1995, Museum, Media, Message . London : Routledge.


Kavanagh, Gaynor, 1994, 'Visiting and Evaluating Museums ' in Kavanagh, Gaynor (editor), 1994, Museum Provision and Professionalism . London : Routledge.


Maloney, Laura and Hughes, Catherine, 1999 (editors), Case Studies in Museum, Zoo, and Aquarian Theatre . Washington : American Association of Museums.


Needham , Harry, 'Evaluation of Theatre: Evaluation in a Must!' in Maloney, Laura and Hughes, Catherine, 1999 (editors), Case Studies in Museum, Zoo, and Aquarian Theatre . Washington : American Association of Museums.


Shettel, Harris, 'Evaluation in Museums: A Short History of a Short History' in Uzzell, David (editor), 1989, Heritage Interpretation Volume 2 . London : Belhaven.


Stamp, Katrina M. 'Planning and Implementing Evaluation' in Moffat, Hazel and Woollard, Vicky, 1999, Museum and Gallery Education: A Manual of Good Practice . London : The Stationary Office .


Walker , Verity, 2005, the challenge of evaluating live interpretation and on-site theatre in Museums and Heritage for Museums and Heritage






Performance Theory and Applied Theatre


Boal, Augusto, 1979, Theater of the oppressed translated from the Spanish by Charles A. & Maria-Odilia Leal McBride. London : Pluto Press.


Campbell, Patrick, 1995, Analysing Performance: interpretations, issues, ideologies . Manchester : Manchester University Press.


Carlson, Marvin, 2004 (2 nd edition), Performance: A Critical Introduction . London and New York : Routledge.


Counsell, Colin, 1996, Signs of Performance: An Introduction to Twentieth Century Theatre . London : Routledge.


Esslin, Martin, 1987 (1995 edition), The Field of Drama: How the signs of drama create meaning on stage and screen . London : Methuen Drama.


Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York : Continuum


Kershaw, Baz, 1992, The Politics of Performance: Radical Theatre As Cultural Intervention . London : Routledge.


McKensie, John, 2002, Perform or Else: from discipline to performance . London : Routledge.


Nicholson, Helen, 2005, Applied Drama: The gift of theatre Hampshire: Palgrave.


Schechner, Richard, 2002, Performance Studies: An Introduction . London : Routledge.


Thompson, James and Schechner, Richard, 2004, 'Why "Social Theatre"?' in The Drama Review 48, 3 Fall 2004 11-16


Turner, Victor, 1982, From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play. New York : Performing Arts Journal Publications.


Research Methodology


Hill, Liz, date unknown, Commissioning market research: A guide for arts marketers . Cambridge : Arts marketing Association.


Kane, David, 2003, 'Research in museums and galleries: a survey of practitioners' at http://www.ebase.uce.ac.uk/cirtarchive/publications/Museum Survey Report.doc [Accessed 22/08/05 ]


Highlights the results of a survey of museum directors within the UK investigating the research being carried out, and the uses made of research within the institutions they represent.




Koran, JJ, and Ellis, J, 1991, 'Research in informal setting: some reflections on designs and methodology', ILVS Review, A Journal of Visitor Behavior, vol 2, no 1, pp.67-86.


Moussouri, T, 1997, 'The Use of Children's drawings as an evaluative tool in the museum' Museological Review , 4, pp.40-50.


Needham , Harry, 'Improving Live Interpretation Programs through Evaluation' in Blais, Jean-Marc, ed. 1997. The language of live interpretation: animation in museums . Hull , Quebec : Canadian Museum of Civilization.


Roper, Bill and Davis, David, 2000, 'Howard Gardner: knowledge, learning and development in drama and arts education' in Research in Drama Education , Vol. 5, No. 2.


Rye , Caroline, 2002, 'How to Shoot Live Performance' http://www.bris.ac.uk/parip/g_cr.doc [Accessed 24/08/05 ]


Technical guidance on the set up and delivery of a filmed performance piece.


Rye , Caroline, 2003, 'Incorporating Practice: A multi-viewpoint approach to performance documentation'. http://www.bris.ac.uk/parip/s_cr.htm [Accessed 14/06/05 ]


Guidance on the use of DVD technology in order to create multi-viewpoint documentation of performance pieces.


Smith, M. K. (2002) 'Howard Gardner and multiple inteligences', in The Encyclopedia of informal Education , http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm. Last updated January 28 , 2005. [Accessed 16 October 2005]